Al-Mukhtar Street in Manial Al-Rawda

Educational Services

Throughout its journey Man Ahyaha has composed a team of excellent educational experts to develop its educational model, curricula and design extensive capacity building programs for its teachers and leadership.

The programs are meant to equip educators with the necessary skills to deliver effective learning experiences to children and run efficient community schools. With more than 10 years of experience in these areas, Man Ahyaha has gained tremendous educational experiences across each step of the primary educational process.

As part of our effort to enhance education provided to children, not just in our school but across all educational organizations, Man Ahyaha offers educational consultancy, training, coaching and design services to other community, public and private schools.  Our programs are meant to support with any areas of development related to teachers, school administration and leadership, school environment, student skills and values among many other areas.


To inquire about Man Ahyaha’s consulting services for schools and other educational institutes